Her Pain...

An Tian opened the room's door only to see that the entire room was a mess. Everything in the room was scattered here and there. 

It was not important for him, and he stepped ahead to search for Jiang Yuyan as she was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll check the bathroom," said Xiao min while An Tian went towards the gallery, and the butler looked here and there. 

On the way to the gallery, An Tian noticed something and stopped. On the other side of the bed, Jiang Yuyan was lying on the floor, circling herself in a ball. 

Her hands clutched her chest tightly, her legs folded up towards her chest. Her eyes shut tightly as the tears rolled down them, the face had a painful expression as if she was feeling immense pain, but no sound could come out of her throat to whine over it. 

An Tian hurried towards her, "Yuyan." He looked worried. 

She didn't reply as if she couldn't hear him. He caressed her head and called, "Xiao Min, get that kit."