Dress Trial...

Just a week was left for the engagement. Jiang Yuyan still didn't return, and Lu Lijun was busy handling all the work in her absence. He desperately waited for her to return. Since they fought, she left as if she didn't wish to see him, which hurt Lu Lijun the most.

The last week was restless for him, and he desperately wanted to know when she would be back. Xiao Min couldn't tell him the exact day as his boss even left him in the dark.

At midnight, Lu Lijun stood in the gallery of his room, staring at the sky blankly. Just then, a car entered the Mansion. The car didn't belong to anyone from Lu Mansion, so he wondered who the person was.

San Zemin stepped out of the car, and Lu Lijun understood the one he had waited for finally returned home.

San Zemin opened the car's back passenger seat door, and Jiang Yuyan stepped out. As if his wish was fulfilled, Lu Lijun hurried to go downstairs.