She Is Not Going Anywhere...

Jiang Yuyan wanted to say so many things, and not to forget how much she was angry with him for what he did the previous night. She wanted to confront him, but she was so weak even to do so. 

Feeling frustrated in front of the stubborn guy who didn't realize what he had done wrong, Jiang Yuyan held her head as it hurt more and shut her eyes tightly. 

She spoke through her gritted teeth. "Get out of my room." 

Lu Lijun was calm. "I can't leave you alone. You are weak." 

He turned to the bedside table to pick up the glass filled with water and removed its lid.

"You must be thirsty." He offered her a glass of water.

Inhaling deeply to gather some energy, Jiang Yuyan opened her eyes and looked at the glass. 


The next moment the glass was on the floor, shattered into pieces, and water spilled everywhere. 

Still, Lu Lijun was calm as he looked at the shattered glass pieces. 

"I'll get another glass."