Across The Table

Lu Lijun's action startled Jiang Yuyan as she thought he was in a deep sleep, but she was mistaken. She tried to pull her hand out of his hold. He still had his eyes closed but didn't let go of her hand.

He moved her hand to his head as if asking her to pat and caress it. Her hand frozen, she looked at the sleepy guy in disbelief to think how childish he was acting and then heard the same thing from him.

"Think of me as the same kid," Lu Lijun spoke in his sleepy, lazy, and hoarse voice. He didn't open his eyes to even look at her but could sense her and her thoughts. 

He let her hand rest on his head as if asking her to start it already, not letting it go. "It hurts!" he spoke in a shallow, muffled voice and moved her hand to his forehead. 

His forehead seemed on the warmer side. 'Is it fever?' Jiang Yuyan thought and touched her own forehead to check the temperature. 'Doesn't seem like it. Must be because he didn't sleep.' she concluded.