I Am Not Poisonous

When Jiang Yuyan and Lu Lijun reached the downstairs still holding her hand, the butler bowed to them. Jiang Yuyan tried to pull her hand back, but Lu Lijun held her tightly.

"Breakfast is ready," the butler informed. 

Lu Lijun nodded and walked towards the dining room holding Jiang Yuyan's hand. 

"I am not hungry," she said. 

"I know," Lu Lijun replied and continued to go towards the dining room. 

He knew she would say the same; that's why he didn't let go of her hand to take her to eat some food. 

"It's almost time, and I don't want to be late," Jiang Yuyan said in her low and helpless voice.

Lu Lijun stopped and turned to look at the butler. "Pack something."

The butler nodded and went towards the kitchen while the two walked to go out of the mansion. 

"You can leave my hand," she said, and Lu Lijun listened to her.