
Jake stood looking at the door which had closed after Noah left. He didn't know what to do or what to think as he felt lost. Where had things gone wrong to change Noah suddenly? He was fine when they started but later looked hurt and angry.

Sighing deeply, Jake moved his hand through his messy hair, feeling frustrated, and went to the refrigerator to grab the bottle of the beer. 

Sitting on the sofa while staring blankly ahead as he sipped the beer, Jake tried to figure out, but he got no answer. 

He was sure Noah, too, felt something about him but always tried to ignore it. 

'Is it because he is afraid of such a relationship?' Jake thought, 'It's not easy for me too, but I have finally decided to follow my heart. If he doesn't want it, I can't force him. But….I don't think I can be without him...what should I do? I tried to stay away from him, but I just couldn't. It's really tough...Argh.." he frowned.