Leaving Angry

"Mr. Wen, would you like to date me?" 

Hearing what Lu Lian said, Ming Rusheng froze in his place.


"You heard me right, Mr. Wen." Lu Lian ignored Ming Rusheng's calling and continued her talk. "I would like to give both of us a chance. I am sure it's not too late yet." Though she talked on call, her mocking gaze was fixed on Ming Rusheng. Her rageful eyes showed no sympathy for the man in front of her.

After pausing to hear what Wen Zac said, she added, "Yes, let's meet tomorrow."

Ming Rusheng could imagine her leaving him and being with another man, and the anxiety surrounded his mind. He was expecting her to be mad at him and curse him, but not even his dreams he thought she would do this. 

She hung up the call, and Ming Rusheng said, "I know you are angry with me, and I accept it but don't take any decision in haste."