
Lu Lijun was in the office. At dinner time, his mother called him.

Keeping his work aside, he picked up the call, "Mother!"

"Are you not coming home tonight, too?" Ning Jiahui asked. 

"No, mother. Have lots of work to do," Lu Lijun replied. 

Ning Jiahui sighed, "You and Yuyan both are alike. She is still working, and you are too."

It puzzled Lu Lijun. As much he could remember, she had already left just after the work hours were over. Before leaving, he didn't go to see her because he didn't wish to trouble her after what he did with her after breakfast. He was sure he didn't trust himself. 

"Is she not home yet?" Lu Lijun asked.

"Did she leave the office already?" Ning Jiahui asked. 

Lu Lijun understood she didn't go home. He didn't want to worry his mother and replied, "She must be in the office. I am busy, so I didn't check."