
When everyone went back to the living room after breakfast, just then they heard a whining sound. 


"Lu Bao, are you okay?" Lu Lian, who walked with her, asked worriedly and everyone rushed to her. 

Lu Bao First breathed deeply a few more times and Lu Lian and Jiang Yuyan helped her walk towards the sofa while others looked worried to think what had happened. 

"Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?" Lu Lijun asked. 

Lu Bao slowly sat on the sofa and glared at him. "It's because of you."

Lu Lijun was taken aback, "What..did...I do?" There was no way he would argue with the pregnant lady. How did her pain was related to him?

"I told you if you won't tell me about that woman, this curiosity will make me deliver a baby right here," she replied and breathed deeply again. 

Lu Lijun looked at his sister in disbelief.