
"It's our wedding anniversary," Lu Lijun replied.

It was totally unexpected for Jiang Yuyan. 'Wedding anniversary? What is he talking about?' 

It's the tenth wedding anniversary but this is the first one when we are together," Lu Lijun added. 

"Lu Lijun, you should stop this. I am going home now," saying she turned to leave but Lu Lijun held her hand, "You are again forgetting you said you will listen to me."

"I did till now but it's enough now."

"I have waited for this day for long. Don't ruin it. You can just accompany me thinking it's a normal outing."

"I can't…"

"If you don't think of me as your husband then what's there to bother about accompanying me or it is like you have started accepting me."

"Stop being delusional.. I won't…"

"It's a request. Stay here with me," Lu Lijun said politely, as he interrupted her.