[Bonus chapter]Put The Lock

"What the heck! How did this…." she realized she was forgetting something. 

These marks, it was Lu Lijun's doing. She remembered those moments with him and felt her heart beating faster. The more she looked at those marks, the more her heart and mind became unstable. Her mind started to remember everything vividly though she wished to wash everything out of her mind. 

The way those passionate pitch-black eyes stared at her, the way he held her closer, the way his warm lips sucked on to hers, his teeth trying to bite her, his tongue invading her cavern without resistance, leaving her breathless, and the way he sucked on to her neck. His coarse, warm and moist tongue tasting and rolling on her skin as his teeth and lips sucked it so hard to give her a painful but pleasant sensation and she felt like having goosebumps all over her skin.