
Reaching the isolated place, Wen Zac and Ming Rusheng stopped and stood facing each other. 

"What are you doing, Wen Zac?" Ming Rusheng asked as he looked serious. 

"If you talk a bit clearer then I will know what you are referring to," Wen Zac replied, as he looked calm.

"I am talking about Lu Lian."

"What about her?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Don't take things too far with her. She is just being impulsive and agreeing to what you are asking for."

"How can you say that and why can't I do it?"

"Because she doesn't like you in that way. She is just being stubborn," Ming Rusheng replied firmly.

"I know she doesn't like me at the moment but soon she will and once we get married, she will learn to love me."

"She won't, Wen Zac. By taking things further you will just hurt both of yourselves."

"You don't need to worry about it. We will manage ourselves."