Forgive Yourself.

When everyone was talking and having fun with a baby around, there was a knock on the door and Lu Han and his wife Qin Xiu entered the room. 

Seeing them everyone was happy but Lu Lian. She just stood quiet and Jiang Yuyan observed it. 

"How are you Baobao?" Lu Han asked while Qin Xiu went to the baby that Jiang Yang held. 

"I am good, elder brother," Lu Bao replied.

Jiang Yang handed over the baby to Qin Xiu who couldn't stop admiring the baby. Having a wide smile on her face, Qin Xiu looked at Lu Bao, "She is as sweet and cute as you."

Lu Bao smiled and looked at her husband, "See, I told you she looks like me but you…."

"I give up," Mu Xucheng said, "Who can win against their wife?"

Lu Han went to the baby and looked at Mu Cheng and after observing the sleeping baby, "My sister is right."

"Good for me. Now I know my daughter would be prettiest," Mu Xicheng said as he smiled.