Challenging Each Other.

"Stop...stop...just stop." Jiang Yuyan said in her shaking and heavy voice that she managed to get out in between heavy breathing.

Lu Lijun moved back to look at her flushed red face. "I won't stop when we will be doing it for real."

Jiang Yuyan who stood leaning back at the table as her hands were resting next to Lu Lijun's, didn't dare look at him as she kept her gaze lowered and she was still trying to catch her breath. Though he just talked, she already felt like she had been undressed and clutched her top lightly around her neck.

"Only my words are enough to turn you like this. Do you still deny you don't want it?" Lu Lijun asked. 

She looked at him, "Don' this to me Lu Lijun."

"I did nothing yet but I wish to do a lot with you," he countered and raised his hand to caress her cheek, "Or how will you know how much I love you? And how will we going to have a baby?"

It shocked her, "B-baby?