A Manizer

Three chapters today.


At the same time, Lu Lian had to attend the event with Ming Rusheng which was arranged by Wu Suyin's company. Lu Lian got ready in an elegant peach color dress and left to go to the venue even though she didn't want to. 

Ming Rusheng and Lu Lian reached the venue at the same time where Ming Rusheng's assistant was with him. They entered the event hall together where so many known people in the business circle were present. 

Wu Suiyin, who was dressed beautifully, came to them to welcome them personally. The pleasant smile she had on her lips never left as one could say she was a living angel. 

"Brother Rusheng! Ms. Lu, welcome. Good to see you are here."

Rusheng accepted her greetings with a light nod while Lu Lian didn't pay attention. Wu Suyin didn't mind her and led their way inside while walking by cold man Ming Rusheng's side, who was the center of attraction.