I Gave You A Chance But...

Inside the room, Lu Lijun was standing close to one wall with his head lowered down and eyes shut where the huge frame with a glass screen hung on the wall had collapsed on the floor and at his feet as the entire glass frame was shattered into pieces. There was blood dripping down from his right hand which was covering the floor.

"Lu Lijun!" Jiang Yuyan ran to him in a hurry as she was scared that he must have been hurt. She held his hand which was hurt and asked, "How did you hurt your hand?"

Though his hand was hurt, his fist was tightly clenched as if he was trying to bear with the pain but instead, he was trying to control his anger. 

Jiang Yuyan looked at the floor and understood Lu Lijun had smashed that huge frame but that was not her concern. She looked back at him anxiously, who didn't spare her a glance.