Don't Challenge Me

Jiang Yuyan's sight passed across Lu Lijun who was staring at the file in front of him while playing with a pen in his fingers. Jiang Yuyan checked if he looked fine after what he did with himself. Her sight followed his palm that was wrapped in the bandage as she wondered if it was fine now. 

As if Lu Lijun noticed her sight on him, he moved his sight to look at her and she immediately averted her sight from him. Lu Lijun acted as if nothing mattered to him and focussed on the screen in front. 

In between he answered the questions asked by others that showed whatever happened with him, he was always focused on his work. This was the quality Jiang Yuyan admired about him the most and thought, 'He is just like Lu Qiang.'

The presentation was over and so was the meeting but Lu Lijun and Noah still had things to discuss with Jiang Yuyan. They were asked to come to the President's office.