I See Her Falling For You Soon

"Are you shy to hear it now? That night I remembered how much you wanted me."

"Will you stop embarrassing me?" Lu Lian asked. 

"Fine," Ming Rusheng said and finally let her go. He took her to sit on the couch, "Now tell me what is troubling you?"

She sat next to him, "Nothing much. I am just worried about Lu Lijun and Yuyan."

"What happened?"

"Not sure but nothing feels right between the two these days," she replied. 

Ming Rusheng nodded, "They will be fine."

Nothing could ease Lu Lian's worry, "On the day of the naming ceremony, I saw Lu Lijun forcefully taking Yuyan with him and I don't know what to think about it."

Ming Rusheng wrapped his hand around her and caressed her arm to make her feel better, "You don't need to worry about them. They just need time."

"I hope so. I want both of them to be happy," she said and looked at Ming Rusheng, "I think Lu Lijun likes Yuyan."