Family Members In Dilemma

Once Lu Lijun left, Lu Jinhai looked at his friend apologetically, "I apologize for all this, Jiang Peizhi."

"You don't need to, Lu Jinhai. Kids are grown up now and we can't control their thoughts and what they want to do. We can just wait for them to decide what they want to do. I hope no one will be hurt and everything will be fine in the end," Jiang Peizhi said.

"I am not able to accept this and I know Yuyan will be the same. It will only hurt them both. I wish we could avoid it," Mo Ruolan, who looked worried, spoke.

I feel the same," Ning Jiahui agreed. "This was all so wrong from the start but that time we could not avoid it. That wedding..that wedding messed up with the kid's thoughts."

Hearing it, Su Hui felt guilty and lowered her head. She was the reason for it. Lu Feng, who was next to his mother, put his hand on her hand to console her. 

"I apologize. It was my fault," Su Hui finally said.