Don't Blame Her

Lu Lijun knocked at the door and entered the room of his mother. Ning Jiahui was sitting in the chair who was silent and only looked at her son. She knew he must have something to talk about and gestured to him to sit on the couch. 

Lu Lijun went to her and instead of sitting on the couch he kneeled in front of his sitting mother and held her hand gently. "Mother!"

It surprised her and she felt heavy in her heart at the same time. It was the first time he acted like this and called her mother with such affection. He never came to her then whatever issue he had in his life, not even when he was a kid as if she was not the one to give him birth. Given his situation in the past, she was fine with everything as long as he was fine. Now he was grown up, she expected a lot from him as her only son.

But she wondered if she had a right to even expect anything from him.

Her eyes turned moist as she held his hand back.