People In Love Are Dangerous

Lu Lian whispered to Ming Rusheng, "Other than we two, all are sitting in the wrong places."

"As long as you are with me," he said as he didn't mind who sat where. 

Jessica looked at Lu Lijun, Noah and her cousin Jake, "After so long we four are together like this. Feels like back in university days." She looked at president Lu, "Lijun and Noah are fortunate to have you around and get the chance to learn from you. These two are a perfect combo to work together."

Jiang Yuyan nodded, "Lu Corporation accepts nothing less than perfection."

Noah looked at Lu Lijun in disbelief as if asking, 'Did President Lu just call us perfect?'

Lu Lijun smiled and looked at Jiang Yuyan as he thought, 'Not just in company but I will surely be perfect for you. Just wait.'

Jessica turned to her cousin who was sitting next to Jiang Yuyan and said teasingly, "By the way Jake, those friends I just met were asking about you and president Lu."