Why Do You Have To Smell So Good, Yuyan?

This Chapter is dedicated to the reader "Prathiksha_Rao" for gifting 1000 coins to the novel.


She heard him say "I didn't know you were more eager than me to…"

"I-It's not what you think," she interrupted him, looking all desperate to explain to him. "I was just…"

"Doesn't matter what I think, as long as you want it…." and moved his face closer to hers.

"No. I didn't. I…." 

"Shh…" he interrupted again as his nose touched hers, rubbing it lightly and felt his lips approaching hers. "Do you know how tempting you are looking at this moment and what is going on in my mind?'

She gulped, "I forgot to take my clothes with me…."

"You did well," he interrupted and captured her lips. 

This guy knew how to seduce her and knew what worked on her. Though she said no, he knew once he was closer, she would never be able to resist him.