Help Me Bath, Won't You?

This bonus chapter is dedicated to the reader "Sneakerdoodles" for gifting Dragon to the novel. Thank you so much dear, XOXO


"I am not used to having a bath with my clothes on," Lu Lijun said as he didn't move his gaze from her anxious eyes even for a moment. He didn't look like he was saying anything wrong and waited for her to say or do something. 

Jiang Yuyan lowered her gaze and looked at his shirt which had two top buttons lose and the loose tie still hung lazily to his neck. He let go of her hand that he held and she moved them to remove his tie. She placed it on the shelf on the wall next to them and then proceeded to remove his shirt. One button...second one…till the last one, she removed them one by one with her gaze only fixed on those buttons but at the top of her head, she could feel that heated gaze of him over her.