You Won't Call Me A Kid Anymore

Lu Lijun pressed her against the wall and started kissing the back of her shoulders as he moved her hair to one shoulder from her bare back. His hands moved to her chest and to grab that soft mounds. 

Though Jiang Yuyan was feeling aroused again, she spoke up, "Lijun, please stop."

He bit on her shoulders lightly to make her whine in a sweet pain while his other hand was ready to move between her thighs.

"You really don't want it?"

"I do but not now. Martha must be waiting for us to come for dinner," Jiang Yuyan replied, trying to be rational under his seductive touches. 

"Don't worry about her," he said and instead pressed against her hard. 

"Lijun…will you listen to me?" she said earnestly. 

He stopped and she turned around to face him, "I want you to have your meal."

"I am fine with just eating you."

"But I am starving," she spoke. That was the only way to make him stop.