Why We Never Showered Together?

Note- Those who don't like to read the mature scenes between two men, kindly avoid reading this chapter. 


Noah sensed him walking closer and turned his head to look at him over his shoulder, "Wait for me to finish shower…"

As he said, Jake was already standing behind him under the shower. "I can not stand to all that mud on me."

Noah felt his heart skip a bit the moment he felt Jake standing behind him, just inches apart. Suddenly it felt hotter inside the cubicle. 

"I am done anyways…You can have a shower," Noah was about to move away but Jake held him at the shoulder and stopped him, "There are mud stains on your back."

"It was covered with a shirt. Don't lie."

"But you don't know when my dirty hand slipped inside the bottom of your shirt when we were…"

"I will clean it," Noah countered but Jake didn't budge, "Stay still. It won't hurt to get help."