The Next Question- The Kiss

Sensing An Tian's questioning gaze, Noah answered, "Jake."

Jake looked at him in shock. He always thought that Noah didn't remember their first kiss. He thought the kiss shared in Noah's home in China must be the first one for him. If so, before that Noah had been with countless girls and Jake had seen him kissing them. 

That means this guy was acting all these years that he didn't remember it. 

"You…" Jake could not come to say a word to ask him why he pretended to not remember it while Noah didn't look at him at all. 

On their trip after the graduation, Noah fought with him to ask who was with his first kiss but Jake didn't tell him, thinking Noah might not like to know it as he was into girls and it might affect their friendship. This guy, when he knew it, why did he force him to tell him when he knew the answer of it and when he didn't tell him, Noah even got mad and went on to sleep with some random girl.