Help Me, Please

[This chapter contains boy couple moments. Kindly avoid reading it if you don't like it.]

Meanwhile in Jake and Noah's room. Noah had fallen asleep but Jake could not. For the past few months, he was not in a great condition as he kept missing Noah though he managed to hide it well every time. 

Whatever he tried, he was getting needy and impatient and would not want to give up on Noah. he often had a strong urge to disregard Noah's will and force his way out like what he did with Noah in the shower. His mind and his body were becoming a mess with every passing day as if he was getting punished for something and found it hard to control himself. 

He looked at his right ride where Noah was sleeping on the other side of the bed. He remembered his brother's words said to him when he followed Noah to China after they finished their Masters's degree.