Right Answer To The Question

After breakfast, everyone was ready to leave after a short talk except for An Tian as it was his home. 

Before leaving, Noah told Lu Lijun, "You go ahead, I have something to talk to brother An Tian. 

Lu Lijun agreed, "I and Yuyan will go to the airport to see off brother Feng and brother Yang in another car. You can bring my car."

An Tian came out to see them off.

"When are you coming back?" Lu Feng asked An Tian.

"I plan to enjoy for a while in my home here," An Tian replied.

Lu Feng nodded, "See you, then." Jiang Yang said bye as well and they sat in the car.

The car left while An Tian looked at Noah who stayed back, "Seems like you loved my home to stay back here."

"I want to talk to you about something, brother Tian," he said. 

As if An Tian was not surprised at all, he replied, "Hmm, carry on."

"I want to know what kind of crime Jake had committed in the past that he has a criminal record?" Noah asked.