Husband And Wife

The next day Lu Lijun went to the office while Jiang Yuyan had to pack the bags for both of them. 

She packed all of her stuff in her bag, from what she had shopped the previous day. 

With a satisfactory sigh, she then pulled out the luggage bag for Lu Lijun and decided to pack his stuff. She opened the wardrobe and went through his clothes. She had always seen his side of the wardrobe but today she could see through it calmly. She didn't know why but she was curious to go through his stuff, more like an attempt to know him more. 

She looked at his clothes hanging in the wardrobe and some folded properly on shelves, the shirts most of them were in white as his office wears but there were different colours as well. She smiled, she was used to seeing Lu Qiang's all white and black wardrobe. 

She touched one shirt and moved closer to sniff it while caressing that soft fabric, 'It smells good. So comforting and warm.'