The Place She Was Searching For

Once they checked in, the manager guided their VIP guests' way, "Mr Lu, Miss Jiang, please this way."

Lu Lijun held Jing Yuyan's hand as they walked ahead. After crossing that lavish reception, they stepped out on the other side of the entrance which showed the wide area of that resort which was constructed by keeping natural things on that island intact while everything was modern with all the facilities. 

The fresh breeze coming from the sea welcomed them and the sound of waves was clearly audible to them. 

Another car was waiting for them inside to take them towards the cottage meant for them. Lu Lijun and Jiang Yuyan sat in the back passenger seat while the manager sat in the front passenger seat of that white luxury car. 

Jiang Yuyan looked outside the window and on the way she observed various cottages passing along the way and each one had guests. After ten minutes of slow travel, they stopped.