Drink For Courage

Jake was laying in bed on his stomach randomly, his legs which had shoes on them were hanging out of the bed and it looked like he could not even walk properly or handle himself to sleep properly and fell on the bed, losing his balance. 

'This asshole, he put on his shoes and I thought he left. If he wasn't planning on living, why put on shoes? Ruined my sleep and exhausted me by making me run to look for him while he himself is sleeping peacefully here.' 

Noah felt like getting to him, holding his collars and punching him hard on the face, and even thought to kick him out of bed but… against what his angry mind wanted, he calmed down and walked ahead to make the drunk guy sleep comfortably. 'He was at least sane enough to not go out when he could not. He knows to use his brain even though it's rare.'

He removed Jake's shoes and put them next to the bed. He pulled him up in bed so his legs won't hang in the air.