Very Good

After Jiang Yang and Lu Lijun left, Jiang Yuyan was left with her mother in the living room while Jiang Peizhi went to his room to attend a video call meeting.


"Yang asked you to be at the hospital. Is there anything serious?" Mo Ruolan asked.


Jiang Yuyan shook her head, "There is nothing. I am not sure why he asked me to, but I am going to accompany grandpa."


"If there is anything, you will tell your mother at least, won't you?"


"Yes, mother, I will."


Mo Ruolan stayed silent for a while as she was contemplating whether she should talk about it or not.

Jiang Yuyan looked at her mother, "What is it?"


"Uhm, nothing as such…I was just curious about how things are between you and Lu Lijun. How he treats you and you are happy and won't regret this."


"He treats me really well, mother, and I am happy," she replied, "I am sure I won't regret it."