Will You Pay For My Penalty For Breach Of Contract?

But this time, it made her so angry that her heart hurt.

How could Xia Qingyang dare to so thick-skinned, coming here and even wanting Lu Man to give the role to Lu Qi!

"What do you take the director and the producers as?" Lu Man said coldly, "I have already signed a contract with the film crew, if I breach the contract I need to pay 10 million yuan. You want me to give my role to Lu Man, then will you pay my fees for breaching the contract?"

"10… 10 million yuan?" Xia Qingyang was shocked and tongue-tied, "Why… why is it so much…"

Although the Lu Family could afford to pay 10 million yuan, her heart ached for it.

What right did Lu Man have she wished that upon breaching the contract the Lu Family should pay for her?

"Elder sister, you're a newcomer, so what you're earning from the film shouldn't be much right?" Lu Qi's heart also ached, she was just like Xia Qingyang, wanting benefits but not willing to pay a cent.