Not Strong Enough To Compete

Once she was done, Lu Man went to find several popular social media platforms, such as Wechat, QQ, and the App client for mainstream news.

As for Wang Qianyun's problem, she had to keep it aside for now as she could not let her steal the Red Tiger's popularity.

The best time was to wait till Attack Force started airing since at that time she could attack both Wang Qianyun and Attack Force simultaneously.

Lu Man had already planned it out.

That night, several promotions posts about Red Tiger began to appear on the big social media platforms.

They included details about all the different weapons, warships and aircraft carriers in Red Tiger.

There were several stories on Red Tiger's actors.

From how they prepared for Red Tiger to how much trouble they went through to film the movie.

From Red Tiger's filming set to shooting highlights, the posts didn't miss a single detail.