With You Around, I'm Afraid of Nothing

Every piece of furniture, every decoration, every detail were all so exquisite.

This castle didn't seem like it was meant for tourists; it felt like there was someone who really lived here.

But it didn't seem like a hotel either.

She didn't see any facilities here that a hotel usually would have.

The maids took out an evening gown from the closet and helped Lu Man change into it.

When they were helping her do up her hair, Lu Man asked, "Is this a hotel? It doesn't look like one to me."

"It's private property," a maid replied with a smile.

Private property?

Did Han Zhuoli especially borrow it to help her celebrate her birthday?

Lu Man had a stomach full of questions, but they were already done dressing her up.

Once she opened the door, she heard music coming from downstairs. It was the Blue Danube.

It sounded like there was a crowd downstairs too.