Let Me Off

"Teacher… Teacher Zheng…" Liu Enxiao could not be bothered with the pain in her stomach. She raised both hands and struggled with her hair.

Zheng Xuexin was pulling her long hair, pulling so hard that it felt as if her scalp was about to split open from the pain.

"Please… please let me off." Liu Enxiao cried as she begged, "Please let me off!"

"B*tch!" How would Zheng Xuexin listen to her pleas? "You useless thing, wanting to harm others but doing no good to yourself! You actually dared to scheme against me! Since you dared to scheme against me, you have to bear the consequences of failure!"

"If not for you, I wouldn't have offended Han Zhuoling!" Zheng Xuexin really felt regret churning in his guts. "If you wanted to court your own death, why did you have to implicate me?"

"You can't compare against anyone else yet still can't stand seeing others live well! You actually even dared to scheme against me!" Zheng Xuexin kicked her as he said that.