What Is This Thing?

"Who said so? If not because I have you backing me up, how can I be so fearless as to dare to provoke anyone without feeling scared at all? Where does my confidence come from? Doesn't all of this come from you?" Lu Man smiled and said, "If not for you, I won't dare to be so arrogant.

"Actually, I know that I am just exploiting your power when intimidating others." Lu Man did not beat around the bush about this at all and had acknowledged it openly.

Anyway, she was just relying on Han Zhuoli's presence.

Her capability was one thing. With Han Zhuoli around, she could then not be afraid of those people taking revenge.

Even if she had not publicly announced her relationship with Han Zhuoli, Han Zhuoli had been her boyfriend, fiance, and now husband.

This status would not change.

He would not have held back from protecting her just because they had not publicly announced their relationship before.