We Do Not Serve Those Who Cut in Line

"I won't go out of my way to harm others, but if someone comes and harms me, I won't be so magnanimous as to simply wave my hand and let them go. I won't be polite to whoever harms me!"

Yuan Yina's complexion kept switching from dark to pale.

She had truly begun to be afraid now.

She did not know to what degree Shi Xiaoya intended to take revenge.

What if… What if she intended to prevent Yuan Yina from continuing in this line of work?

Previously, she did not even consider this.

However, Shi Xiaoya was truly angry now. Yuan Yina suddenly realized that although Shi Xiaoya was nowhere as scary as Han Zhuoling, she was still someone she could not afford to provoke.

Some people simply did not use their brains to think.

In the past, Shi Xiaoya kept a low profile, so she never mentioned her family.