
The World Works in Mysterious Ways is set in the modern-day world. An Australian investigative journalist, Sarah Longford when investigating a lead into an explosive story into alleged links between a high-profile politician and the mafia is caught in a car accident. The cause of death, blunt force trauma leading to haemorrhaging of the brain.

However, as the title suggests there is more to the world than what is thought. Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld finds her husband Hades' name on the list of leaked patrons of the infamous Ashley Madison dating site. Under furious interrogation by his wife, Hades whilst distracted accidentally rejects Sarah's soul from entering the Underworld and as a result is sent back to her body.

Returned to her damaged body, Sarah whilst struggling to remain alive for the second time is visited by the Goddess Athena, who promises to restore her body in exchange for her services as her Champion. Slightly delirious from the immense pain, Sarah agrees to all of Athena's conditions and is taken away by Athena.

Synopsis: Repeated from main page

When investigative journalist Sarah Longford dies in a car accident her soul is accidentally rejected by Hades (King of the Underworld) and is sent back to her battered body.

Whilst under immense pain, she is visited by the Goddess Athena and agrees to be her Champion in return for having her body restored.

Sarah unknowingly takes her first step into unravelling the enigmas of the world. Does the world truly work in mysterious ways? Or is there something darker and more sinister afoot?

Character Introduction

Main Character: Sarah Longford

Age: 24

Occupation: Investigative Journalist

Description: Caucasian female, with a green and blue eye (has heterochromia), has long chestnut coloured hair, slim build and well-proportioned features.

Personality: Treats her friends well, goes above and beyond for those who she deems as close. Is unforgiving to those that seek to hurt her and her friends. Generally open-minded but also not adverse to the darker things in life. If there is one criticism of her character it is that she is too inquisitive for her own good.

Background: Is from a wealthy mining family. Her grandfather discovered an iron ore deposit and was able to exploit it and build a large corporation out of it, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

Her parents are divorced. Father is a civil engineer and mother is a career diplomat, currently Australia's High Commissioner to Canada. Lives with her retired grandfather and brother who is the current CEO of the family company, Longford Resources.

Is estranged from her mother, who still blames herself after Sarah was kidnapped when she was eleven on a diplomatic trip overseas and was not rescued until five months later. Also, the cause for the breakdown in the marriage between her parents.

Was Dux at her high school and graduated with a Bachelor of Media (Honours) from University of New South Wales.

Currently works as an investigative journalist at the country's largest entertainment/news company the 'Eight Network'.

Outline: I will just tentatively call them arcs for lack of better word

First Arc: Introducing the MC and some side characters as well as the lead up to her death. Essentially a prologue, but still important for the story and pacing. Will not be a complete arc in isolation.

Second 'Arc': where the real story starts, about how she discovers the truth of the world and is brought back to life and ends with the agreement with Athena

Third Arc: Introduction of the truth revealed and delving into the history of the Gods and how they play about in our day to day lives. Conspiracies abound? As well as weaving back into the first arc

Fourth Arc: try to finally bring a conclusion to the first arc and make more allusions to the big antagonist of the story.

Fifth arc: depending on how the story has gone and been received will then determine what is here.