
To Sarah's disappointment, Mark had to leave before Derrick and Rowena came back. He had to attend a conference to deal with some unresolved issues regarding the acquisition of the Eight Network. She gave him a kiss before running back into the house and became more excited to go back to work the next day.

Not too long after, Sarah watched as her parents walked in hand in hand, it seemed their love for each other had never faded. Steven followed behind them carrying a large amount of groceries. Sarah couldn't help but laugh at this sight. The CEO of one of the largest companies in the country had to carry his own groceries.

Steven heard Sarah laugh and quickly grumbled aloud.

"Sarah, there are still a couple more bags in the car. Go get them, you've been lounging around all day."

Sarah pretended not to hear him and went back to playing her game. She would be going back to work the next day and so had decided to spend the rest of her time off relaxing and enjoying herself.

Steven saw Sarah ignore him and sighed before he went outside to get the rest of the groceries. Derrick and Steven then began to cook dinner for the family.

"Sarah, can we talk for a little bit?"

Sarah was a little surprised to hear her mother ask her for something and she quickly closed her game and waited for her to begin.

"Sarah, I know ever since the kidnapping." Her mother paused and her tone became grimmer

"Ever since then, our family has never been the same. I know your father, your brother and you have tried many times to help me get through it. I simply could not. I'm still not sure if I can. But your father and I have talked it over. I'm going to try as best as I can to move forward. I think I'm ready to. When my term is up, I will make sure to come back. I might even be able to finish early, with the election rolling around soon."

"Mum, you can do it. I know I said this before, but it wasn't your fault. We couldn't have known it would happen. We were just really unlucky."

"No, Sarah. It was my fault. I failed to protect you. For that I will always be sorry. But your father is right. I have wallowed in self-pity for too long and I think your grandfather would be happier to see me come back."

Speaking of the devil, as if by magic, at the mention of her grandfather, in through the door he came. Sarah was genuinely surprised, whilst Rowena was a little anxious. Whilst David had always treated her well, the past few years, especially after the failed intervention had left their relationship a little sour.

However, no trace of this could be found on David's face as he came roaring in laughing aloud.

"Ahh, I haven't enjoyed your cooking in quite some time son. Steven, you rascal not going to greet your grandfather, after he went to clean up your mess? Oh, Sarah come give grandpa a hug. Ah Rowena good to see you're back, Derrick's been all mopey the past few months."

Sarah quickly got up and ran over to give her grandfather a hug. He reciprocated and smiled brightly.

"Sarah, I said you need to eat more. Derrick. Why are you starving your daughter? Here, look at her, it's all skin and bones. Are you satisfied now?"

Derrick only responded with a grunt and went back to cooking grumbling.

"Damned old man, now there's an extra mouth to feed. Steven make sure to wash more of the veggies and prepare some more plates."

Sarah saw her mother walk over a little hesitantly before she greeted her grandfather.

"Dad. It's been a while. I hope you have been well?"

"Pah. Rowena, since when did you become so terrible at small talk. But, it's bloody good to see you and Derrick are working things out."

Rowena looked a little embarrassed before she said what was on her mind.

"Dad, Derrick said Sarah had died. Why didn't you tell us this before? Why did you want to hide it from us?"

David as if struck by lightning jumped a little, before he looked at Sarah and gloomily responded.

"How much do you know? About them?"

"I met Hades and Athena. I agreed to be Athena's champion in return for her healing me."

"Hmm…so it was her. From what I have managed to gather over the years, there are largely three types of gods. There are those like Athena, who are friendly to us mortals. There are the neutral ones like Hades. And there are the ambitious ones who go about causing all sorts of trouble for us mortals purely because they feel like it. Luckily for you, you have a powerful and respected patron."

"Hm…Athena. I have heard her name mentioned every now and then in the political circles. But the ones they mention are a businesswoman who has ties to many people in all sorts of places."

"Yes, Rowena, they should be one and the same as that is how their system works. If they want to interfere with us mortals, they can only do so as mortals. Which is why they could be anywhere. For all we know the beggar on the street could be one of them or even the President of a country. But at least they do not have access to their godly powers while they are on Earth. As for their godly powers they are as all powerful and scary as the stories say. However, mind you most of my information has come from second hand sources. I have never seen one of them myself, or at least not that I know of."

"But Gramps, if they are truly as prolific as you say, why do we not know about them?"

"Isn't it obvious? Simply because they feel more secure pulling the strings from behind than up front. If you were in their situation would you reveal yourself? However, Rowena I think it's best you talked with your parents about this, they know more than I do."

"What do you mean? My parents? I don't even know where they are? The last message I got from them was over five years ago and all it said was that they were going to travel the world."

"Both of your parents are champions. I was only recently able to confirm this. After Sarah fell into a coma, Mark came and explained to me about this extra side to the world. He was able to answer the questions I have been unable to solve for many years. He also told me that he was hoping to meet your parents, as he had some questions. I could only tell him what I knew, which was not much."

"Wait, Mark told you all of this Gramps?"

"Well, he just filled in some gaps, I have always been on the lookout for whoever it has been that has helped me in the shadows all this time. Many years ago, I had an encounter with some strange old man, at the time I had only just taken over the company and there were many who doubted my abilities. I had an ambitious plan but was not feeling confident enough to pursue it, however this man convinced me to do it. What was it he said? I think it was something like…'the greatest regret in life, is not living', he then asked me was I really living? And every now and then I felt my run of luck was too good and I wondered perhaps if there was someone helping me and so I dug around and got some clues and Mark just happened to be able to tie it all together. It's nothing too shocking really."

"Champions to gods? My parents? What…"

Sarah was honestly surprised to hear about her maternal grandparents being missing let alone that they too were champions to gods. However, it only drove her curiosity higher. What were these beings really? But at the same time, she wondered if it really mattered, what they were. After all, so long as they did not harm them then they were perfectly entitled to live their life how they chose.

She already had her hands full trying to find out who had wanted her dead, as well as the story about the Police Minister's alleged links with the Southern Mafia Boss. Although she knew they were closely related to one another, she still had not been able to find anything new to create a breakthrough.

Sarah felt a little overwhelmed with all the revelations from her family and boyfriend. But she knew that there was no imminent danger to her life and provided that Athena stuck to her words, Sarah could live a full and meaningful second life.

The family of five sat down for dinner and shared their thoughts on the situation about the existence of these mythological beings. None of them were too concerned about it other than what it would entail for Sarah's future, considering she had become a champion to one of the gods.