Picking Up A Kitten

But actually, they were not strangers, they even knew each other for a long time.

Yan Huan wrapped herself tighter in her wet clothes, dropping her eyes. She was waiting, waiting til the rain stopped, waiting til the wind stopped, waiting til he left.

Memory lets one relive certain moments. Time gives a limitation to promises, and the limitation is an instantaneous moment. If you want, it could last forever; if not, you could also say it was just a lie.

She reached her hand out to touch the raindrops trickling outside. The drips started to chill her fingertips, tock tock, tock tock, like a song without rhythm.

In the stream of time, she was really grown up. She knew who could be trusted and who couldn't, she knew who could be loved and who couldn't.

In the distance, the weather suddenly started to clear up. And the slightest glimmer of light dazzled her.