Chapter 72 She Doesn’t Want You to Find Her

A moment later, Lei Qingyi returned to the room with a pitcher of water and a glass. He did a double-take when he saw that Lu Yi had moved from the bed to stand by the window: it was incredible how quickly the man had recovered from his life-threatening injuries. Was he some kind of superman? And that rare, precious blood of his— what a waste to have lost so much of it! All that blood would have fetched a pretty penny.

"Qingyi, can you help me look up the identity of my blood donor?"

Lu Yi assumed Lei Qingyi would be able to track down his mystery blood donor easily, as the latter worked with the National Security Department branch in Sea City.

Lei Qingyi sat down heavily in the visitor's chair. He carelessly poured out a glass of water for himself, spilling some of it, and downed the entire thing in one go.