
"Liu Tongye! Stop right there!"

Tongye stopped walking and turned to look behind her. A smelly shoe flew towards her and smacked her right in the face. Before she could react, a large figure barreled towards her and began to beat the living daylights out of her..

Tongye screamed as the blows rained upon her. Her mother, hearing her screams, quickly armed her husband and her sons with shovels and clubs. They ran out of their house to see what was going on—they were the richest family in the village now, and they could not imagine who would dare hurt their daughter, Liu Tongye.

When they emerged from their house, they saw Tongye pressed against the ground, her face swollen and bruised. Beside her was a group of young ladies, wide-eyed and frightened.

Mrs. Liu's jaw dropped when she saw the person beating her daughter—it was Qinghua's mother, Mrs. Xiang.

"Mrs. Xiang, what do you think you're doing?" Mrs. Liu shouted shrilly.