
Liang Chen's Weibo post was shared by many celebrities. This was because the defiling went severely overboard as people even had the audacity to have the celebrity's deceased parents brought up in the dispute.

Although the film crew continued their filming progress as if Yan Huan herself was unaffected by the ongoing affairs, it was only until Yan Huan dragged her exhausted frame back to her room did she allow her lips to tighten. Moments later, her expression became calm, but her eyes gradually darkened, portraying the dark emotions waging inside her. If she could get her hands on the culprit behind this, whoever it is, she would not have mercy on them.

As she opened the door, she was surprised to find Lu Yi sitting inside with his laptop open on his lap, his fingers speedily flying across the keyboard. However, Yan Huan did not know the exact time of his arrival.