How Is She?

Hidayat stood speechlessly outside the room. Closed to an hour passed before the doctor exited the room. "How's my sister, Imran?" The doctor looked at Hidayat's pale face and nodded his head while the corner of his lips curved up.

"She's okay. She pulled through…" The doctor, Imran, was their cousin from Azizah's side. He had midnight black hair that was slightly dishevelled and obsidian eyes that blinked owlishly. Alhamdulillah… Hidayat sighed internally. "You can go in to see her if you want. But just beware that we had to intubate her since her lungs are unable to support her breathing for now."

A/N: Intubation is the process of inserting a tube, called an endotracheal tube (ET), through the mouth and then into the airway. This is done so that a patient can be placed on a ventilator to assist with breathing during anaesthesia, sedation, or severe illness. The tube is then connected to a ventilator, which pushes air into the lungs to deliver a breath to the patient. This process is done because the patient cannot maintain their airway, cannot breathe on their own without assistance, or both.

Hidayat looked towards the bed through the glass door. The nurses had already pulled the draperies back and are tiding up the room. "Hidayat, have you called Pak Long and Mak Long? If not, do you want me to call them for you?"

A/N: In Malay, one can use the generic term 'Pak Cik' to refer to the younger or older brother and 'Mak Cik' refers to the younger or older sister of one's father or mother. However, if the birth order of the 'uncle' is clearly defined, the terms, such as 'Pak Long,' 'Pak Ngah,' 'Pak Uda,' 'Pak Lang,' 'Pak Teh,' or 'Pak Su,' can be used. In this case, since Azizah is the oldest child, her nieces and nephews call her Mak Long and Kamari, being her husband, Pak Long

"No, it's okay. I will call them in the morning. It's late now. They need the rest. Mom's heart condition isn't getting any better either." Imran nodded in understanding. His aunt had gone through multiple balloon embolectomy the past 3 years. However, they were still incapable of helping or improved Azizah's condition in the long run.

A/N: Embolectomy is the emergency surgical removal of clots which are blocking blood circulation. Balloon embolectomy is done by inserting a catheter with an inflatable balloon attached to its tip into an artery, passing the catheter tip beyond the clot, inflating the balloon, and removing the clot by withdrawing the catheter.

"Sure, if you need anything, just message me. I'm on duty here tonight," Imran tapped on Hidayat's shoulder before seeing him enter the ward. He then walked away towards the nurse station.

In the room, Hidayat moved to the bed's side and pulled the chair closer to the bed. Hidayah's peaceful face earlier had turned pale and daunting. He could no longer hold the heartbreak and he fell to the floor in a dishevelled heap as his grief poured out in a flood of insuppressible tears.

Hiddy, I will find the person responsible for this. I promise! I will make his whole family pay for this!