Warming up...

Later that morning at 5.20 am, Nazreen was knocking on Hidayah's door. Hidayah, who was still in bed was awoken by the disturbance. Reluctantly, she zombied over to the door and open it slightly. Without opening her eyes, she asked, "what is it?"

"Assalamualaikum, do you want to join me for Fajr prayers?" Startled to hear a familiar low voice, Hidayah opened her eyes. With eyes wide open, staring at his face, Hidayah abruptly slammed the door close on his face.

She then looked down to her body. She was only wearing a thin lacy red nightdress which only covered up to under her butt! Oh, the embarrassment!!!

Tok Tok

The knocking on the door disrupted her wallows. She then cleared her throat and opened the door slightly to look at the man standing outside.

"Please join me for our morning prayer…"

Hidayah nodded her head and replied softly, almost in whispers, "Let me clean myself up first." She then quickly shut the door and ran to her bathroom to take a quick shower and ablution. After changing and wearing her telekung, she then proceeds outside since she didn't know where to meet the man.

To her surprise, Nazreen was still waiting outside her door. "Let's go!" he greeted her cheerfully.

Nazreen then ushered her to his room where he already prepared two prayer mats. He then walked and took his position as the imam and Hidayah took the other prayer mat at the back by his left side. While walking to his room earlier, both were keeping mum, not saying anything. Every step taken from her room to his room was full of worry. She was so pre-occupied about her predicament earlier that she had walked absentmindedly following him.

After making sure that Hidayah was already in position, Nazreen then recited the iqamat before starting the prayer.

After completing the morning prayer, Nazreen turned his body, shifted himself forward and reached out his hands towards his wife. Hidayah, then slowly received Nazreen's hands and kissed the back of his hand. Nazreen then took the opportunity to hold his wife's head and kissed her forehead.

His action was smooth and natural. As if he had done this every day. While Hidayah was hesitant at every movement.

Nazreen then lowered his lips to Hidayah's right ears and whispered, "Thank you, dear. For fulfilling this morning prayer with me," and pulled his face away again.

Hidayah looked up and stared into Nazreen's deep hazel eyes, mesmerised. At that moment, it seems like the whole world stopped moving, including their heartbeats.

Truthfully, Hidayah's heart had opened up slightly for him. Especially during the prayer earlier. A sense of peace and security were engulfing her being.

The couple looked into each other eyes quietly for a long time. That was until Hidayah's stomach decided to growl loudly.

Hearing Hidayah's stomach's grunt, Nazreen couldn't help but chuckle along. "Come, let's change and then have an early bite before breakfast." Nazreen then helped Hidayah to stand by holding on to her hand.

Hidayah brisk-walked out of the room and quickly ran up the stairs to the 5th level. After reaching her room, she could no longer hold up to the embarrassing moments. She then stomped her feet and gave out a squeal.

"Argh!!! What is wrong with you?" she questioned herself. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest that she had to take several deep breaths to slowed her heart rate. Her face was tomato red and her eyes were misty.

It took a while before she gathered herself and walk towards her walk-in wardrobe. After changing into a baby blue viscose boho maxi dress with three quarter length sleeves, button up front with a high split at the front; adds a touch of flirtiness and breaks up the fabric in the dress so you can flash a bit of skin as you walk, she completes her attire with a tall tan gladiator wedges.

Donning a natural look, she lightly powdered her face with Shiseido pressed baby powder, brushed a pink-tinted blusher and watermelon-flavoured lipgloss. Her waist long hickory brown straight hair was tied in a loose ponytail with a baby blue ribbon.

Satisfied with her chic outlook, Hidayah made way to the kitchen. Since the time was still too early for the family to gather for breakfast, Hidayah decided to make herself a sandwich or a glass of cereal.

Meanwhile, Nazreen has already dressed up in Oxcloth's white Express Tux shirt, featuring a luxury honeycomb finish with contrasting double shaded buttons; SPOKE Bulletproof navy blue trousers (no, it is not literally bulletproof! But the pants are waterproofed 😋) and Dr Marten's Elsfield shoe made of Black Westfield, oil-finished leather with a distressed look and sidewall stitch construction.

Under his shirt, he had also put on a light-weight thin customed-made bulletproof vest, out of habit. His wavy black hair was combed to the back, with the help of pomade to put it in place.

He was already in the kitchen making a quick chicken sandwich for Hidayah when she arrived at the doorway.

Nazreen watched Hidayah as she stood by the door frame, with a keen and intense gaze. Fleeting and breathtaking moments tended to catch a person unaware. For a brief moment, he had the urge to release everything in hand and walk towards her to hug his wife.

At the same time, Hidayah was also watching Nazreen with warm eyes and a smile, small but honestly sincere. Her breath seems stuck in between her lungs and mouth as she held them close.

"Good morning, young mistress." the kitchen staffs greeted her when they realised she had arrived in the kitchen.

"Good morning." she greeted them back with a smile. She then walked towards Nazreen who was cutting the crust off before cutting the sandwich in halves.

"Good morning, Hidayah." he greeted her when she stood by her side. He then reaches out for the plate and placed the sandwiches on it and push the plate in front of her.

"Good morning, Nazreen," Hidayah replied. She thanked the man and took a slice off the plate and started eating. Nazreen, later on, grabbed 2 mugs on the counter and poured a freshly brewed black coffee for her and himself.