Just Helping

Haeun was bewildered by Minjoon's sudden suggestion. Just what kind of contract is it about? Does it have anything to do with selling her baby? Or selling herself? Or maybe it might just be a plain contract of her agreeing to keep quiet of this incident.

If that was the case, she would gladly sign it. She would even sign it with her own blood so as to show her sincerity in keeping his dirty work a secret. As long as she can keep her baby girl safe, she would gladly do anything to get away from them.

"Don't worry. This contract doesn't involve selling your baby or yourself to anyone. Though it's more of a contract related to you and me. Like I said before, I mean no harm. If you don't want any contract to be made, that is also fine with me. We'll just make an agreement between both of us with my bodyguards as the witness. How's that sound?"

It surprises Haeun that Minjoon knows what was going on in her head. But she doesn't realize that it wasn't that hard to read her. Her expression made it so obvious what she was thinking about and she made no effort to hide it at all.

To Minjoon, it was amusing to be able to read her like a textbook. There was no hiding anything from him and he would easily know when she was scared or anxious. This was perfect for him to get closer to her and for him to slowly gain her trust, though his method is rather despicable as it is.

"But what is it about? I'll think about it only when you tell me the details to it. I'm not that stupid to just agree with something I know nothing about. You might think I will readily agree to it since it doesn't involve my baby but you're wrong! I won't be fool by you!" Haeun gave him a death stare as she took back her hand from his.

She was a little triggered that he can read her mind. She doesn't like him invading her privacy like that. She still wants to have freedom in her own thoughts and freely thinks whatever she wants without people knowing the content of it.

What if she was thinking racy thoughts? It wouldn't be appropriate for him to just freely know about it, would it? That would be embarrassing and unfair. At the very least, she needs to know what he was thinking too then.

Her comment made Minjoon chuckle. He knows she was mad at him because it was unfair that he was able to read her so clearly. But she doesn't say it nor does she ask him how he knew. Haeun just assumes that he got some kind of superpower to read people's mind and do so without the permission of the owner.

Just how will she react if he told her that her expression was the reason he knew what she was thinking? He was sure Haeun will try to dig a hole under her and hide in it from embarrassment, for assuming the possibility of him having superpowers. Minjoon finds it funny just thinking about it.

"Of course. I'm not that despicable to make an agreement with you without you knowing the details of it. You can rest assured that I'm not that kind of person. I'm just here to help you." Haeun looks at him suspiciously as she tries to determine whether his words can be trusted.

"Now, I know this might sound crazy and weird but I want you to know that I genuinely want to help you out. And I also want to repay you back for what you have done for me before. From the looks of it, you don't seem to remember about it but it's okay. As long as I remember it, it's fine.."

Haeun saw the expression on Minjoon's face when he said that. He seems sad and heartbroken about it. She doesn't know what he was referring to but it seems to her that they have met before and she might have helped him then.

But how can she not know about it? With his looks, she wouldn't have forgotten about the incident no matter how forgetful she was. In fact, she would engrave each and every moment of what she had done for him in her mind so that she will forever remember his perfectly handsome face.

Now that she thinks about it, it seems weird that she can't remember helping someone like him. What if he got the wrong person? What if the person who helps him wasn't her? Isn't it bad then if she accepts his help even though she didn't help him at all?

And how can it be so coincidental that he meets his savior here in some alleyway and somehow by chance, she also needs help? It all seems to be too perfect for it to be coincidental that Haeun was now afraid. How long has he been spying on her? Is he just following her to repay back her kindness? Just what did she even do for him that he has to spy on her to this extent?

Everything seems to be too suspicious for her to believe him now. Even though he seems to be sincere and genuinely just want to help her out, she can't seem to trust him. Just how is he going to help her?

By giving her money? It wouldn't help her much in her situation anyways. Getting her a house? She doubts he is kind enough. Even if he is, just where can he get the money from to do that? It's not like he's some millionaire or something. So what was he trying to do exactly?

And while Haeun was overloading her brain with question after question about his motive for wanting to help her, Minjoon was quietly observing her every reaction. He knew exactly what she was thinking and it made him dejected to know that she doesn't remember him nor the incident that happens between them.

He could just hope that one day, she would've come to remember about it so that he can finally tell her what he was really feeling on that day. His biggest regret was not telling her the truth and when he thought that they would meet again the next day, she was gone. Nowhere to be found and no traces left behind by her.

Now that he has finally found her, he was not going to make the same mistake again. He was going to make it right this time. "You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries. A life that knows no suffer or hardships. I'll make it that our baby will be brought up with love and be given with anything and everything she wants. Lee Ha Eun.. I'll promise you all of this and anything that you wishes for if you agree to marry me.."