You're Rich?

After about an hour journey, the car had slowed down in front of a big metallic gate. There were two guards stationed by the side and as soon as they saw the car approaching, they release the gate and gave their salute.

The car then drove past them and went further up the hill into a secluded forest. Haeun was fine the whole journey but as she saw the uneasy surrounding, she began to panic in the inside.

'Why were they heading towards a forest? Where was Minjoon taking them? Didn't he say they were heading to his house? So why are they here? What was Minjoon trying to do to them?'

All this thought was running in her mind and she felt the need to ask the person in question. Even if all the things that she thought might be true, she can't just assume that Minjoon really has any bad intention towards her.

"Erm... This might sound rude but where are you taking me exactly? This doesn't look like the way to your house.. Where are we actually? You're not trying to do something to me right?" Haeun asks Minjoon with caution as she kept a distance between them. Though she can't assume things, it's not wrong to take precautions.

Laughter was suddenly heard inside the car as she looks worriedly at Minjoon. The sudden burst of laughter made him look like a psycho all over again and she was scared shitless by it. With them being surrounded by the thick forest, anything can happen in this situation.

Minjoon then looks towards Haeun with a sinister smile on his face as he inches nearer to her. "Why? What are you so scared of? It's not like I'm going to kill you and take out your intestine. Didn't you tell me you're gonna trust me? So how come you have such thoughts of me?"

Little by little, Minjoon was inching closer to Haeun as she inches backward until she had nowhere else to go. Her back was now pressed against the car door but Minjoon didn't stop moving towards her. Instead, he kept getting closer to Haeun that she can practically feel his hot breath on her face.

They were currently looking eye to eye and the situation wasn't a pleasant one for Haeun. She clutches Hyomin closer in her embrace as she tries to evade eye contact with Minjoon. But regardless of what she did, Minjoon wouldn't stop looking straight at her.

And before she knew it, she was laying flat on the leather seats with Hyomin still in her arms as Minjoon hovers above her. He gave a sly grin before closing in towards her and as if by reflex, she shut her eyes close waiting for what was coming next.

"I really didn't expect you to be this dirty-minded though. What a shame.. And here I thought you were so pure and innocent. Tch tch... Were you expecting me to kiss you? Really? Guess you have to wait till next time then.."

Haeun immediately open her eyes when she heard Minjoon's hush voice as he whispered by her left ear. She was then met with a pair of golden brown orbs as it suddenly vanishes and created a crescent moon when he smiles down at her.

"I'm just joking with you. We're here. Want me to help you up?" Minjoon sat up from his position and extended his arm to help her up but Haeun was still in a daze.

She was still stunned by the turn of event that it was hard for her to process what was happening. Too much stuff happen in just a short amount of time that it suddenly jammed her processing system and caused it to malfunction a bit.

It was when the car door atop of her head was swung open that she finally process everything that happens. She blinks a few times before slapping Minjoon arm away and sitting up herself; quickly getting out of the car afterward.

She was feeling so embarrassed about what had happened earlier. She really can't believe she was trick to death by Minjoon. If she didn't have Hyomin in her embrace, she swore she would have choke Minjoon there and then.

How could she be so dense to fall for his tricks again? That was the second time she had fallen prey to his teasing and they just met an hour ago. Just how many more teasing must she fall prey to for the next two month? Haeun now realizes just how big of a mistake she had made.

"It's no use regretting your decision now. Just accept it that you now have to live the next two month full of my teasing. That's your fate now and honestly if you think about it, it isn't all that bad..."

Haeun looks towards Minjoon's direction as she glares at him. How was his teasing not bad for her? She felt like her heart was going to stop earlier and the rising of blood rushing towards her head. If this were to keep happening, she can already foresee her early death before the end of their contracted two months.

"Bloody hell! You call that not bad for me?! What do you know?! I felt like I could die from embarrassment earlier! And you call that not bad?! I'll see if you can take it if it happens to you! Mark my words! I. Will. Get. My. Revenge. On. You! Got that?!"

Her eyes were literally burning holes into Minjoon as she gritted her teeth in frustration. It has only been an hour and she felt like killing him already.

Just what will happen for the next two month? Can she really keep up with his teasing and not be declared a murderer by the end of their two months? Only God knows just how strong her self control was.

"Okay.. Okay.. I get it.. I know I'm annoying but you have to start getting used to it from today onwards. If not, you might either die from a heart attack or high blood pressure. And that won't be good for Hyomin wouldn't it? She can't grow up without her mother by her side. That would be so sad then.."

Minjoon made a sad face before he chuckles softly and starts walking to the front porch of his villa. "Come on! Stop being cute there and come inside. You and Hyomin have been surrounded by the cold air for so long, I'm worried you guys will get sick. It's not good practice to be out in the cold after pregnancy you know?"

Upon hearing his words, Haeun pouts slightly as she hesitated. But after a few quick seconds of considering the pros and cons, she gave in and admit defeat. Though she didn't want to agree with Minjoon, but what he said was true.

She didn't want Hyomin to get sick right after being born, so she has to prioritize her angel's health first. And with that thought in mind, she bit her lips and slowly followed behind Minjoon into his villa.

From the outside, his villa looks like an average minimalistic and chic cottage that was somewhere deep in the woods. But after entering, she took back all her comments on it. The interior of the house didn't look anywhere near average at all. Although the design and decorations were minimal and chic but from the look of it, nothing seems to be worth less than five digits.

From her previous experience working at a furnishing store, she can tell that all the furniture there was a custom-made order created by famous designers. One furniture can range from a cost of fifty thousand won up to a few million. Above all else, even if you have connections with the inside people, it is still extremely hard to be able to order even one of it since they have limited slots.

Haeun really couldn't believe her eyes that she almost let go of her grip on Hyomin. Just an hour ago she was doubting Minjoon of his background status but she didn't expect her words to prove her wrong.

"You... You're rich?! Just who are you?!"