Two-Faced Devil

Both Kang Mi Na and Jee Hyun Seok was trembling in fear, not believing their eyes. It wasn't the devil herself but it was her daughter instead. The last time they saw her, she was still an adorable twelve-year-old kid. But now that she had grown older, the resemblance between the devil and her was extremely uncanny. From her face to her voice and even the cold and devilish aura that they emit, it was frighteningly similar in every way.

With one look, anybody can tell she was the devil's daughter. Since she has the devil's blood flowing through her veins, it's no wonder she ended up being exactly like the devil herself. There was no running away from the path of evil when your very own parents are devils. From the look of it, the training the devil taught her daughter was worthwhile, seeing how from just one stare, it manage to make both Mina and Hyunseok fear her.

"Did you think you can run away forever? After disobeying my mother's order, you actually dare to hide? What a bunch of fools you guys are! My mother has spent years hunting for you guys and finally, I manage to capture both of you fools. Don't even think of getting away alive this time cause I'm going to make you guys pay for making my family suffer!"

The devil's daughter had a sly smirk on her face as she slowly strides towards Mina and Hyunseok, her heels clicking with each step she makes. When she was in front of them, she scoffs before taking a gun out from her back pocket. She then loaded the gun with exactly two bullets, enough to penetrate each of their head. Once she was done, she faced the nozzle back and forth, from Mina to Hyunseok before stopping it right in front of Mina's head.

"Any last words before I shoot you to your death, old lady?" She asks, eyes piercing straight into Mina. She wasn't exactly wanting any answer, she was just trying to play with them before they die. She felt it was fun to do so, mercilessly killing someone after giving them a chance to think that they could possibly escape death if they chose the right words to say. And probably because that was what she was used to seeing, her mother torturing people and made them beg for mercy but still ended up killing them a second later.

"Why? Why must you kill us? Will you gain anything from it? Does it really benefit you in any way? How much could you guys have suffered from us raising that child? She did nothing wrong to die in that way and we did nothing wrong to die like this. So what right do you have to kill us?" Mina's whole body was trembling out of fear but she gathered all her courage to speak up. She felt the need to know the reason as to why she should be killed.

The devil's daughter was slightly taken aback from her question. She didn't expect Mina to answer her back. Even though she was obviously on the verge of collapsing from fear but she still manages to question her. She was impressed by Mina's marvelous display of courage. Just as she was about to answer, one of her thugs came rushing with a phone in his hand and whispered something to her. She immediately straightens herself up and cleared her throat before answering the phone.

"Grandmother! What a lovely surprise to get a call from you today. It's rare for you to call me suddenly like this. Is there anything you needed my help with?" Her voice totally changes, sounding cheerful and sweet. But even though her voice sounds like a filial grandchild, she was anything like it. She was smiling at the moment but anybody can see that it was a forced smile, an act to make her voice sound sweet to hear. From where Mina and Hyunseok was, it was possible for them to hear what they were talking about.

"Lee Hae Ji, just where are you at? Don't you know what day it is today? Did you forget that we're to meet Inspector Kang at Seoul Police Headquarters in an hour? Why aren't you back home yet? You do know this is important right? We might finally get some news about your cousin. Aren't you anxious to find out too? We might finally be able to find her after all these years of searching." Haeji's grandmother seems to sound angry and starts nagging at her, making her to slowly lose patience.

"Oh! Was it today? I thought it was tomorrow! I even saved it on my phone. I guess I might have mistaken the date. What a klutz I am.. I'm so sorry grandmother. I will rush to the main house right now! I'll see you there in a bit, grandmother." She made it sounded like she was rushing but in actual reality, she was just moving back and forth. Mina and Hyunseok look at her with disbelief, dumbfounded by acting. They should really award her as the best actress because her acting was like no other people out there.

Well, it was all from the effort the devil had put in to raise such a magnificent carbon copy of herself. From just seeing her act, both of them concluded that Haeji was definitely scarier than the devil. For her to be able to quickly change her attitude and put up such excellent acting, it was beyond what the devil was capable was doing. But the devil wasn't given such a name for her acting, it's for what she truly was. She was called the devil because she hides nothing from no one, showing her true colors openly and proudly. That's what made her mother the 'Devil'.

Right after she hangs up the call, Haeji throws her phone to the ground as she rages. Her phone screen shattered, with bits and pieces of the glass scattered around everywhere. She couldn't take it with the act any longer. She doesn't give a single shit to her lost cousin, because she was supposed to stay unfound. If her cousin came back, not only will her grandparents love for her be divided, but she will also lose her place as the next successor of their company.

"This is all both of you guys fault! If the police didn't find traces of her, if she was just dead, all of this wouldn't happen! I'm going to lose my spot as the next successor in line just because uncle was the first child! It should be me! I should be the sole successor! I'm older than her by three months but that doesn't matter, doesn't it? Cause in the first place, it's not like my grandparents truly loved me. They have only loved that stupid girl!"

"It was so obvious how bias they were. They always plan such a big and extravagant party just for her birthday but when it comes to mine, only a simple party was plan! I've always hated her for getting all the attention from my grandparent. So when mother wanted to put a stop to it and give all those privileges to me, I was more than happy to get rid of her. But you guys ruined it! All the pretentious act that I have to do just to get acknowledgment from them, soon it will be gone because of your selfish desire!"

Haeji was currently in a messed up state. She was laughing hysterically like a madman, with the gun still on her grip. The feeling of anger she was getting, just from the thought of getting her spot stolen away by her stupid pompous cousin. She's not going to hand it over so easily, not after all the things she had done to get to where she was today. She can never lose her spot to anyone, especially not her cousin. To do that, the first thing she was going to do was to kill both Mina and Hyunseok.

They are a walking witness that could justify that her cousin was alive. They could even rat her out to the police and make her get thrown in jail. If that happens, she'll definitely get disowned by her family, especially her grandparent that would be very happy with her gone. Their precious granddaughter will finally get back to them and they would go back to treating her as if she didn't exist. She wanted them to give her some attention when she was younger. If they did, she wouldn't have come to this extent to get revenge.

"Since you guys are the cause of my misery, there's no point keeping you alive any longer. So long, Traitors and do wait for your 'precious daughter' to come to join you guys. It won't take long.." Haeji suddenly stops her laughter and aim her gun towards Mina and Hyeonseok, quickly pulling her trigger at them. Two gunshots were heard, following by a loud thud of two bodies falling lifelessly on the ground, creating a pool of blood. Haeji blankly looks at the dead bodies, not having a single sense of guilt in her. She then instructed her group of thugs to clean up the mess.

"Throw their dead bodies into the sea and clean this pool of blood up! I want no news of this getting out to anybody, got it? I'll be waiting for you guys, back at the main house. Make sure to leave no traces and do it properly or you guys will be next!" She gave them a menacing glare before turning to look at the sea. She enjoyed the calm wind hitting her face for a minute before turning her heels and walking away, not forgetting to throw the gun far away into the sea. One burden was settled and she has one last burden to handle.