Mental Breakdown

After Haeun ran away leaving Hyomin behind with him, Minjoon bought her to the main house where his whole family was still anxiously waiting for him.

Right when he swung the door open, both his parents crowded him as they look behind to spot Haeun. But when they saw she was nowhere in sight, Mrs. Kim started questioning him.

"Didn't Haeun came with you? Where is she? Did you perhaps send her home? Is she okay? Please tell me nothing happened while you were out."

Minjoon just walks away with Hyomin in his arms as he felt suffocated with his parents surrounding him. He felt the need to sort his mind out before answering any questions.

It wasn't because he was trying to run away from answering them but it was more like he didn't want to answer them back rudely. Because at that moment, he was honestly angry at himself.

He was angry that he allowed such a misunderstanding to happen and made Haeun angry at him to such an extent. He really didn't expect something like that would unfold and cause such a huge mess.

"I think both of you need to give him some space. From the looks of it, he needs some time to sort things out. So, why not you guys have a short tea break with Minjung and I'll go check up on him upstairs okay?"

Both Mr. and Mrs. Kim had no choice but to agree with Minjee suggestion. They've realized that they did go a little overboard earlier and might have made Minjoon uncomfortable. So, they will leave Minjee to settle the situation with him instead.

"Hey Minjoon, can I come in? I'm sure you need a listening ear for this right? I can help you, but that is if only you'll let me to. This problem won't settle by itself you know."

There was no answer from him whatsoever. It was silent as if no one was inside. But Minjee still continues waited outside his door for a few minutes more. As she was about to leave, she heard the sound of the door unlocking.

She softly smiles as she knew he would give in. She knew him best because he always consults her when he has any problem. Though she doesn't know why but she was happy whenever he came to her.

It was as if he acknowledged her as his elder sister and have that much trust in her to keep his problems only between them. She was glad he still relied on her even after such a long time he kept himself away.

Minjee then slowly entered the room, remembering that Hyomin was with him earlier. As she came inside, she saw her dear brother by the balcony as Hyomin was quietly sucking her milk bottle on his bed.

It made her giggle in the inside seeing that his brother had set up a barrier of pillows beside Hyomin so as to make sure she wouldn't fall off the bed.

That just shows how much he cares for Hyomin, even with his mind full of mess. It's like saying that her safety comes first even before anything else.

And it pains her so much to see his back looking so depressed like that. Minjee had never seen him in such a mess before. He was always the type that wants everything to be perfect.

She only ever saw him messed up like that once and that was the day he had come home to called off the wedding. And to see him like that again, because of the same person, made her heartache.

To think that he loved Haeun so deeply until he could be this affected by it. She honestly thinks it's a miracle.

She was used to seeing his brother not caring nor have any affection for any women. But towards Haeun, he totally became a different person. A person with feelings and a heart that only beats for her. That was an obvious sign of how much he truly loves her.

"Noona.. What should I do? My heart is so wrecked and my mind is in a total mess. If only you could have seen the hatred she had in her eyes while she looks at me. She has come to despise me and I don't know what to do to get her back."

Minjee was taken aback when she saw Minjoon crying, slowly breaking down from all the emotion inside him. This was the first time she ever saw him cry and honestly, she doesn't know what to do.

He had never cried in front of anyone before, not even his parents. And seeing him cry like that because of Haeun makes her wonder, why can't Haeun see how serious his feelings are for her.

Did she just never notices it or was it because Minjoon acted differently in front of her? She honestly just can't figure out the reason as to why Haeun could possibly believe such a rumor.

"Where did it exactly go wrong? Why didn't I stop her from leaving? I keep asking myself this question but I just can't seem to answer it. I told myself that I wouldn't lose her again but I still made it happen. Why? Why does everything go wrong for me? Do I not deserve her? Is that why all of this is happening?"

Minjoon was now kneeling on the floor, his head resting against the balcony's wall as he looks down in despair. He looks lost and defeated as if he lost all hope to live.

Minjee couldn't continue looking at his brother that way. She knew she needed to persuade him to fight back before he really gives up on everything.

If Haeun was all he needed to continue striving, then she'll use her as an excuse to keep him going. Though she doesn't know if it might work but she couldn't just stand there and do nothing. Any progress is better than no progress.

"Hey, are you really going to be like this? Is this how you're going to win her back? You once told me you would do everything in your power to get her. Are you telling me you're going to give up now when you already found her?"

Minjee looks down at her brother as she patted his head. Minjoon then looks up at her, with deep red eyes as he asks her with a trembling voice.

"What if she pushes me away? What would I do then? I don't think I can bare another rejection from her."

"But you wouldn't know if you didn't try right? Currently, we have no idea what was going through her mind then. Maybe she might reconsider after we explain everything to her. So for now, let's go out and find her first. That's our main priority, okay?"

Minjee squatted down to his eye level as Minjoon nodded in response. She then smiles warmly at him and gave him a hug, reassuring him that everything will be fine.

Though it was kind of awkward for her to be hugging Minjoon at that age, she knew how much he needed it at that point of time. So for once, she put her feelings aside and just continue hugging him.

After giving him a few minutes to freshen himself up, the pair of siblings when down to the living room together with Hyomin asleep in Minjee's embrace.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Kim was glad to see that Minjoon was feeling better. They had actually eavesdropped on the sibling's conversation earlier as they were really worried about the situation.

But when they heard Minjoon breaking down, they suddenly felt guilty. They were pressuring him with answers as soon as he came back and didn't even give him room to think.

Honestly, they didn't expect him to be that stressed out by the situation. They thought he would have everything all figured out and settled, just like he always does.

Never did they expect that their son who they thought was perfect, wasn't so perfect at all when it came down to the person he loved.

It made them realize that Minjoon wasn't so different than any other guys out there. That he was still normal and had feelings in him.

They once were worried about his mental health because he doesn't exactly mix with anyone. And having been born in between two girls, they were scared he might grow up to be gay.

Though he was playful and likes to joke around, they knew that deep down he was lonely for someone. They knew how pressuring it was for him to be the only son in the family.

They saw how hard he tried to resist the temptation of playing outside and doing things that he wanted when he was young. And it's all because he knew he would have to guide the family one day.

It's because of that maturity of his and the high expectation that he put for himself, was what caused him to outcast himself from befriending people.

Though he does talk to people and meet with others for small gatherings, he never tries to form a close relationship with any of them. He feels they might make him lose sight of what he 'needed' to be.

So when both Mr. and Mrs. Kim saw how deeply attached Minjoon was to Haeun, they knew that they have to get her back.

They didn't care from what background she came from or what kind of history she has. If she could bring happiness to their only son, nothing else matters to them.